miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

MLK Day!

During the 21th of January week, our class have been working about Martin Luther King Jr. because the 21th of January have been the MLK's day.

Andrea and me have done a PechaKucha that is a presentation 20x20 which means ''20 slides in 20 seconds''. In this PechaKucha we have talked about the Segregation and the Civil Rights Movement in USA, and in Martin Luther King too.

Here is our work, I hope you like it! :)

Where am I?

Hi guys! You will be thinking why I'm not blogging, so here is the answer.


This is a platform where you are in a virtual school class, i mean, this is a platform of students and teachers where you write posts that your teacher and partners can see and comment them. EDMODO is too easy to use,it is very very very useful and you learn a lot writing posts, commenting posts and reading other students's posts. If you are a parent don't worry, you can be looking at the work that your son has done by singing up in the botton ''I'm a parent''. Also, the teacher gives badges to the students who has done a good job, such as the badge of good coment for example.

Here I'm going to leave the link of the web page of EDMODO to you to investigate it and to sing up if you want.

  EDMODO's web page

Now that I have explained where I am, I'm going to inform you that I'm not going to be here for a time, so... See you soon! :)